Given an input image, extract out image patches (of size kSizes - h x w) and place them in the depth dimension.
image (NUMERIC) - Input image to extract image patches from - shape [batch, height, width, channels]
kSizes - Kernel size - size of the image patches, [height, width] (Size: Exactly(count=2))
strides - Stride in the input dimension for extracting image patches, [stride_height, stride_width] (Size: Exactly(count=2))
rates - Usually [1,1]. Equivalent to dilation rate in dilated convolutions - how far apart the output pixels
in the patches should be, in the input. A dilation of [a,b] means every {@code a}th pixel is taken
along the height/rows dimension, and every {@code b}th pixel is take along the width/columns dimension (Size: AtLeast(min=0))
sameMode - Padding algorithm. If true: use Same padding
preserveAspectRatio - Whether to preserve the aspect ratio. If this is set, then images will be resized to a size that fits in size while preserving the aspect ratio of the original image. Scales up the image if size is bigger than the current size of the image. Defaults to False. - default = false
antialis - Whether to use an anti-aliasing filter when downsampling an image - default = false
ImageResizeMethod - ResizeBilinear: Bilinear interpolation. If 'antialias' is true, becomes a hat/tent filter function with radius 1 when downsampling.
ResizeLanczos5: Lanczos kernel with radius 5. Very-high-quality filter but may have stronger ringing.
ResizeBicubic: Cubic interpolant of Keys. Equivalent to Catmull-Rom kernel. Reasonably good quality and faster than Lanczos3Kernel, particularly when upsampling.
ResizeNearest: Nearest neighbor interpolation. 'antialias' has no effect when used with nearest neighbor interpolation.
ResizeArea: Anti-aliased resampling with area interpolation. 'antialias' has no effect when used with area interpolation; it always anti-aliases.
ResizeMitchelcubic: Mitchell-Netravali Cubic non-interpolating filter. For synthetic images (especially those lacking proper prefiltering), less ringing than Keys cubic kernel but less sharp.