Workspaces feature added (faster training performance + less memory) Link
ParallelInference added - wrapper that server inference requests using internal batching and queues Link
ParallelWrapper now able to work with gradients sharing, in addition to existing parameters averaging mode Link
VPTree performance significantly improved
CacheMode network configuration option added - improved CNN and LSTM performance at the expense of additional memory use Link
LSTM layer added, with CuDNN support Link (Note that the existing GravesLSTM implementation does not support CuDNN)
New native model zoo with pretrained ImageNet, MNIST, and VGG-Face weights Link
Convolution performance improvements, including activation caching
Custom/user defined updaters are now supported Link
Evaluation improvements
EvaluationBinary, ROCBinary classes added: for evaluation of binary multi-class networks (sigmoid + xent output layers) Link
Evaluation and others now have G-Measure and Matthews Correlation Coefficient support; also macro + micro-averaging support for Evaluation class metrics Link
ComputationGraph and SparkComputationGraph evaluation convenience methods added (evaluateROC, etc)
ROC and ROCMultiClass support exact calculation (previous: thresholded calculation was used) Link
ROC classes now support area under precision-recall curve calculation; getting precision/recall/confusion matrix at specified thresholds (via PrecisionRecallCurve class) Link
RegressionEvaluation, ROCBinary etc now support per-output masking (in addition to per-example/per-time-step masking)
Evaluation and EvaluationBinary: now supports custom classification threshold or cost array Link
Optimizations: updaters, bias calculation
Workspaces feature added Link
Native parallel sort was added
New ops added: SELU/SELUDerivative, TAD-based comparisons, percentile/median, Reverse, Tan/TanDerivative, SinH, CosH, Entropy, ShannonEntropy, LogEntropy, AbsoluteMin/AbsoluteMax/AbsoluteSum, Atan2
New distance functions added: CosineDistance, HammingDistance, JaccardDistance
Spark: Utilities to save and load JavaRDD<List<Writable>>
and JavaRDD<List<List<Writable>>
data to Hadoop MapFile and SequenceFile formats Link
TransformProcess and Transforms now support NDArrayWritables and NDArrayWritable columns
Multiple new Transform classes
Arbiter UI: Link
UI now uses Play framework, integrates with DL4J UI (replaces Dropwizard backend). Dependency issues/clashing versions fixed.
Supports DL4J StatsStorage and StatsStorageRouter mechanisms (FileStatsStorage, Remote UI via RemoveUIStatsStorageRouter)
General UI improvements (additional information, formatting fixes)