Imports a 1D locally connected layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Set weights for 1D locally connected layer.
param weights Map from parameter name to INDArray.
Imports a 2D locally connected layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Set weights for 2D locally connected layer.
param weights Map from parameter name to INDArray.
Imports Permute layer from Keras
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
see InputPreProcessor
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Flatten layer as a DL4J {Cnn,Rnn}ToFeedForwardInputPreProcessor.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports Reshape layer from Keras
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Merge layer as a DL4J Merge (graph) vertex.
TODO: handle axes arguments that alter merge behavior (requires changes to DL4J?)
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Imports a Dropout layer from Keras.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J DropoutLayer.
return DropoutLayer
Imports Keras masking layers.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J MaskZeroLayer.
return MaskZeroLayer
Keras wrapper for DL4J dropout layer with SpatialDropout, works 1D-3D.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J DropoutLayer with spatial dropout.
return DropoutLayer
Wraps a DL4J SameDiffLambda into a KerasLayer
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J SameDiffLayer.
return SameDiffLayer
Imports an Activation layer from Keras.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J ActivationLayer.
return ActivationLayer
Imports a Dense layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters (2)
Set weights for layer.
param weights Dense layer weights
Imports a Keras RepeatVector layer
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J RepeatVector.
return RepeatVector
Imports a Keras SimpleRNN layer as a DL4J SimpleRnn layer.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters (12)
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Get whether SimpleRnn layer should be unrolled (for truncated BPTT).
return whether RNN should be unrolled (boolean)
Set weights for layer.
param weights Simple RNN weights
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
Utility functions for Keras RNN layers
Get unroll parameter to decide whether to unroll RNN with BPTT or not.
param conf KerasLayerConfiguration
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer properties
return boolean unroll parameter
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration
Get recurrent weight dropout from Keras layer configuration. Non-zero dropout rates are currently not supported.
param conf KerasLayerConfiguration
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer properties
return recurrent dropout rate
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration
Imports a Keras LSTM layer as a DL4J LSTM layer.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters (12)
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Set weights for layer.
param weights LSTM layer weights
Get whether LSTM layer should be unrolled (for truncated BPTT).
return whether to unroll the LSTM
Get LSTM gate activation function from Keras layer configuration.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
return LSTM inner activation function
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Get LSTM forget gate bias initialization from Keras layer configuration.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
return LSTM forget gate bias init
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Keras model import API
Reads stored Keras configurations and weights from one of two archives: either as
a single HDF5 file storing model and training JSON configurations and weights
separate text file storing model JSON configuration and HDF5 file storing weights.
Load Keras (Functional API) Model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Stream InputStream containing HDF5 archive storing Keras Model
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Stream InputStream containing HDF5 archive storing Keras Model
return ComputationGraph
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras Sequential model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Stream InputStream containing HDF5 archive storing Keras Sequential model
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras Sequential model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Stream InputStream containing HDF5 archive storing Keras Sequential model
return ComputationGraph
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Model
param inputShape optional input shape for models that come without such (e.g. notop = false models)
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Model
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Model
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras Sequential model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Sequential model
param inputShape optional input shape for models that come without such (e.g. notop = false models)
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras Sequential model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Sequential model
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras Sequential model saved using model.save_model(…).
param modelHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras Sequential model
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras (Functional API) Model for which the configuration and weights were saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Model configuration
param weightsHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras model weights
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model for which the configuration and weights were saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Model configuration
param weightsHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras model weights
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras Sequential model for which the configuration and weights were saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Sequential model configuration
param weightsHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras model weights
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras Sequential model for which the configuration and weights were saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Sequential model configuration
param weightsHdf5Filename path to HDF5 archive storing Keras model weights
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras (Functional API) Model for which the configuration was saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Model configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras (Functional API) Model for which the configuration was saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Model configuration
return ComputationGraph
throws IOException IO exception
see ComputationGraph
Load Keras Sequential model for which the configuration was saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Sequential model configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training configuration options
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Load Keras Sequential model for which the configuration was saved separately using calls to model.to_json() and model.save_weights(…).
param modelJsonFilename path to JSON file storing Keras Sequential model configuration
return MultiLayerNetwork
throws IOException IO exception
see MultiLayerNetwork
Imports a 2D Convolution layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Cropping 2D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras Upsampling3D layer support
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration exception
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a 1D Convolution layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Set weights for layer.
param weights Map from parameter name to INDArray.
Keras Upsampling1D layer support
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration exception
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras 1D atrous / dilated convolution layer. Note that in keras 2 this layer has been removed and dilations are now available through the “dilated” argument in regular Conv1D layers
author: Max Pumperla
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras 1D atrous / dilated convolution layer. Note that in keras 2 this layer has been removed and dilations are now available through the “dilated” argument in regular Conv1D layers
author: Max Pumperla
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Cropping 3D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras ZeroPadding 2D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a 3D Convolution layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a 2D Deconvolution layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras ZeroPadding 3D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Utility functionality for Keras convolution layers.
Get (convolution) stride from Keras layer configuration.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
return Strides array from Keras configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras ZeroPadding 1D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Cropping 1D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration exception
Get DL4J SpaceToDepth layer.
return SpaceToDepth layer
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras Upsampling2D layer support
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration exception
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras separable convolution 2D layer support
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration
Get DL4J SeparableConvolution2D.
return SeparableConvolution2D
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Keras depth-wise convolution 2D layer support
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras configuration
Get DL4J DepthwiseConvolution2D.
return DepthwiseConvolution2D
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports an Embedding layer from Keras.
Pass through constructor for unit tests
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters (1)
Set weights for layer.
param weights Embedding layer weights
Imports a Keras 1D Pooling layer as a DL4J Subsampling layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Utility functionality for Keras pooling layers.
Map Keras pooling layers to DL4J pooling types.
param className name of the Keras pooling class
return DL4J pooling type
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Imports a Keras 3D Pooling layer as a DL4J Subsampling3D layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras Pooling layer as a DL4J Subsampling layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Imports a Keras 2D Pooling layer as a DL4J Subsampling layer.
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Builds a DL4J Bidirectional layer from a Keras Bidirectional layer wrapper
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J Bidirectional layer.
return Bidirectional Layer
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters
Gets appropriate DL4J InputPreProcessor for given InputTypes.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return DL4J InputPreProcessor
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras configuration exception
see org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
Set weights for Bidirectional layer.
param weights Map of weights
Imports a BatchNormalization layer from Keras.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get layer output type.
param inputType Array of InputTypes
return output type as InputType
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Returns number of trainable parameters in layer.
return number of trainable parameters (4)
Set weights for layer.
param weights Map from parameter name to INDArray.
Keras wrapper for DL4J dropout layer with GaussianNoise.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J DropoutLayer with Gaussian dropout.
return DropoutLayer
Keras wrapper for DL4J dropout layer with AlphaDropout.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J DropoutLayer with Alpha dropout.
return DropoutLayer
Keras wrapper for DL4J dropout layer with GaussianDropout.
Pass-through constructor from KerasLayer
param kerasVersion major keras version
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration.
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Keras config
Get DL4J DropoutLayer with Gaussian dropout.
return DropoutLayer
Imports PReLU layer from Keras
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Invalid Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Get DL4J ActivationLayer.
return ActivationLayer
Set weights for layer.
param weights Dense layer weights
Imports ThresholdedReLU layer from Keras
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Invalid Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Get DL4J ActivationLayer.
return ActivationLayer
Imports LeakyReLU layer from Keras
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Unsupported Invalid Keras config
Constructor from parsed Keras layer configuration dictionary.
param layerConfig dictionary containing Keras layer configuration
param enforceTrainingConfig whether to enforce training-related configuration options
throws InvalidKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
throws UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException Invalid Keras config
Get DL4J ActivationLayer.
return ActivationLayer