Why normalize?
Neural networks work best when the data they’re fed is normalized, constrained to a range between -1 and 1. There are several reasons for that. One is that nets are trained using gradient descent, and their activation functions usually having an active range somewhere between -1 and 1. Even when using an activation function that doesn’t saturate quickly, it is still good practice to constrain your values to this range to improve performance.
Available preprocessors
Pre processor for DataSets that normalizes feature values (and optionally label values) to lie between a minimum and maximum value (by default between 0 and 1)
Preprocessor can take a range as minRange and maxRange
param minRange
param maxRange
Load the given min and max
param statistics the statistics to load
throws IOException
Save the current min and max
param files the statistics to save
throws IOException
deprecated use {- link NormalizerSerializer instead}
Base interface for all normalizers
A DataSetPreProcessor used to flatten a 4d CNN features array to a flattened 2d format (for use in networks such as a DenseLayer/multi-layer perceptron)
statistics of the upper and lower bounds of the population
param minRange the target range lower bound
param maxRange the target range upper bound
Normalize a data array
param array the data to normalize
param stats statistics of the data population
Denormalize a data array
param array the data to denormalize
param stats statistics of the data population
Created by susaneraly on 6/23/16. A preprocessor specifically for images that applies min max scaling Can take a range, so pixel values can be scaled from 0->255 to minRange->maxRange default minRange = 0 and maxRange = 1; If pixel values are not 8 bits, you can specify the number of bits as the third argument in the constructor For values that are already floating point, specify the number of bits as 1
Preprocessor can take a range as minRange and maxRange
param a, default = 0
param b, default = 1
param maxBits in the image, default = 8
Fit a dataset (only compute based on the statistics from this dataset0
param dataSet the dataset to compute on
Iterates over a dataset accumulating statistics for normalization
param iterator the iterator to use for collecting statistics.
Transform the data
param toPreProcess the dataset to transform
A simple Composite MultiDataSetPreProcessor - allows you to apply multiple MultiDataSetPreProcessors sequentially on the one MultiDataSet, in the order they are passed to the constructor
param preProcessors Preprocessors to apply. They will be applied in this order
Pre processor for MultiDataSet that normalizes feature values (and optionally label values) to lie between a minimum and maximum value (by default between 0 and 1)
Preprocessor can take a range as minRange and maxRange
param minRange the target range lower bound
param maxRange the target range upper bound
An interface for multi dataset normalizers. Data normalizers compute some sort of statistics over a MultiDataSet and scale the data in some way.
A preprocessor specifically for images that applies min max scaling to one or more of the feature arrays in a MultiDataSet. Can take a range, so pixel values can be scaled from 0->255 to minRange->maxRange default minRange = 0 and maxRange = 1; If pixel values are not 8 bits, you can specify the number of bits as the third argument in the constructor For values that are already floating point, specify the number of bits as 1
Preprocessor can take a range as minRange and maxRange
param a, default = 0
param b, default = 1
param maxBits in the image, default = 8
param featureIndices Indices of feature arrays to process. If only one feature array is present, this should always be 0
Created by susaneraly, Ede Meijer variance and mean Pre processor for DataSet that normalizes feature values (and optionally label values) to have 0 mean and a standard deviation of 1
Load the means and standard deviations from the file system
param files the files to load from. Needs 4 files if normalizing labels, otherwise 2.
param files the files to save to. Needs 4 files if normalizing labels, otherwise 2.
deprecated use {- link NormalizerSerializer} instead
Save the current means and standard deviations to the file system
of the means and standard deviations of the population
Normalize a data array
param array the data to normalize
param stats statistics of the data population
Denormalize a data array
param array the data to denormalize
param stats statistics of the data population
Interface for strategies that can normalize and denormalize data arrays based on statistics of the population
Pre processor for MultiDataSet that can be configured to use different normalization strategies for different inputs and outputs, or none at all. Can be used for example when one input should be normalized, but a different one should be untouched because it’s the input for an embedding layer. Alternatively, one might want to mix standardization and min-max scaling for different inputs and outputs.
By default, no normalization is applied. There are methods to configure the desired normalization strategy for inputs and outputs either globally or on an individual input/output level. Specific input/output strategies will override global ones.
Apply standardization to all inputs, except the ones individually configured
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to all inputs, except the ones individually configured
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to all inputs, except the ones individually configured
param rangeFrom lower bound of the target range
param rangeTo upper bound of the target range
return the normalizer
Apply standardization to a specific input, overriding the global input strategy if any
param input the index of the input
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to a specific input, overriding the global input strategy if any
param input the index of the input
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to a specific input, overriding the global input strategy if any
param input the index of the input
param rangeFrom lower bound of the target range
param rangeTo upper bound of the target range
return the normalizer
Apply standardization to all outputs, except the ones individually configured
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to all outputs, except the ones individually configured
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to all outputs, except the ones individually configured
param rangeFrom lower bound of the target range
param rangeTo upper bound of the target range
return the normalizer
Apply standardization to a specific output, overriding the global output strategy if any
param output the index of the input
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to a specific output, overriding the global output strategy if any
param output the index of the input
return the normalizer
Apply min-max scaling to a specific output, overriding the global output strategy if any
param output the index of the input
param rangeFrom lower bound of the target range
param rangeTo upper bound of the target range
return the normalizer
Get normalization statistics for a given input.
param input the index of the input
return implementation of NormalizerStats corresponding to the normalization strategy selected
Get normalization statistics for a given output.
param output the index of the output
return implementation of NormalizerStats corresponding to the normalization strategy selected
Get the map of normalization statistics per input
return map of input indices pointing to NormalizerStats instances
Iterates over a dataset accumulating statistics for normalization
param iterator the iterator to use for collecting statistics
Transform the dataset
param data the dataset to pre process
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance (arrays are modified in-place)
param data MultiDataSet to revert the normalization on
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the entire inputs array
param features The normalized array of inputs
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the entire inputs array
param features The normalized array of inputs
param maskArrays Optional mask arrays belonging to the inputs
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the features of a particular input
param features The normalized array of inputs
param maskArrays Optional mask arrays belonging to the inputs
param input the index of the input to revert normalization on
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the entire outputs array
param labels The normalized array of outputs
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the entire outputs array
param labels The normalized array of outputs
param maskArrays Optional mask arrays belonging to the outputs
Undo (revert) the normalization applied by this DataNormalization instance to the labels of a particular output
param labels The normalized array of outputs
param maskArrays Optional mask arrays belonging to the outputs
param output the index of the output to revert normalization on
A simple Composite DataSetPreProcessor - allows you to apply multiple DataSetPreProcessors sequentially on the one DataSet, in the order they are passed to the constructor
param preProcessors Preprocessors to apply. They will be applied in this order
Pre processor for MultiDataSet that normalizes feature values (and optionally label values) to have 0 mean and a standard deviation of 1
Load means and standard deviations from the file system
param featureFiles source files for features, requires 2 files per input, alternating mean and stddev files
param labelFiles source files for labels, requires 2 files per output, alternating mean and stddev files
param featureFiles target files for features, requires 2 files per input, alternating mean and stddev files
param labelFiles target files for labels, requires 2 files per output, alternating mean and stddev files
deprecated use {- link MultiStandardizeSerializerStrategy} instead
Save the current means and standard deviations to the file system
This is a preprocessor specifically for VGG16. It subtracts the mean RGB value, computed on the training set, from each pixel as reported in:
Fit a dataset (only compute based on the statistics from this dataset0
param dataSet the dataset to compute on
Iterates over a dataset accumulating statistics for normalization
param iterator the iterator to use for collecting statistics.
Transform the data
param toPreProcess the dataset to transform
An interface for data normalizers. Data normalizers compute some sort of statistics over a dataset and scale the data in some way.
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