Highlights - 1.0.0-beta3 Release
ND4J/Deeplearning4j: Added support for CUDA 10.0. Dropped support for CUDA 8.0. (1.0.0-beta3 release has CUDA 9.0, 9.2 and 10.0 support)
SameDiff now supports training and evaluation from DataSetIterator and MultiDataSetIterator. Evaluation classes have been moved to ND4J.
DL4J Spark training (gradient sharing) is now fully fault tolerant, and has improvements for threshold adaption (potentially more robust convergence). Ports can now be easily configured independently on master/workers.
Deeplearning4J: New Features
Added ComputationGraph/MultiLayerNetwork rnnTimeStep overload with user-specified workspace. Link
Added Cnn3DLossLayer Link
ParallelInference: Instances can now update the model in real-time (without re-init) Link
ParallelInferenc: Added ParallelInference INPLACE mode Link
Added validation for incompatible loss/activation function combinations (such as softmax+nOut=1, or sigmoid+mcxent). New validation can be disabled using outputValidation(false) Link
Spark training: overhauled gradient sharing threshold adaption algorithms; made it possible to customize threshold settings, plus made defaults more robust to initial threshold configuration improving convergence speed in some cases. Link
Spark training: implemented chunked messaging to reduce memory requirements (and insufficient buffer length issues) for large messages Link
Spark training: Added MeshBuildMode configuration for improved scalability for large clusters Link
Spark network data pipelines: added FileBatch, FileBatchRecordReader etc for "small files" (images etc) distributed training use cases Link
Added FailureTestingListener for fault tolerance/debugging purposes Link
Upgraded Apache Lucene/Solr to version 7.5.0 (from 7.4.0) Link
Mode MultiLayerNetwork/ComputationGraph.clearLayerStates methods public (was protected) Link
method is now public LinkParallelWrapper module now no longer has a Scala version suffix for artifact id; new artifact id is
LinkImproved validation and error mesages for invalid inputs/labels in Yolo2OutputLayer Link
Spark training: added SharedTrainingMaster.Builder.workerTogglePeriodicGC and .workerPeriodicGCFrequency to easily configure the ND4J garbage collection configuration on workers. Set default GC to 5 seconds on workers Link
Spark training: added threshold encoding debug mode (logs current threshold and encoding statistics on each worker during training). Enable using
. Note this operation has computational overhead. Link
Deeplearning4J: Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Fixed an issue where L1/L2 and updaters (Adam, Nesterov, etc) were applied before dividing gradients by minibatch to obtain average gradient. To maintain old behaviour, use
Link.Note that learning rates may need to be decreased for some updaters (such as Adam) to account for this change vs. earlier versions. Some other updaters (such as SGD, NoOp, etc) should be unaffected.
Note that deserialized (loaded) configurations/networks saved in 1.0.0-beta2 or earlier will default to old behaviour for backward compatibility. All new networks (created in 1.0.0-beta3) will default to the new behaviour.
Fixed an issue where EarlyStoppingScoreCalculator would not correctly handle "maximize score" cases instead of minimizing Link
Fixed order (BGR vs. RGB) for VGG16ImagePreProcessor channel offset values Link
Fixed bug with variational autoencoders using weight noise Link
Fixed issue with BaseDataSetIterator not respecting the 'maximum examples' configuration Link
Optimization: A workspace is now used for ComputationGraph/MultiLayerNetwork evaluation methods (avoids allocating off-heap memory during evaluation that must be cleaned up by garbage collector) Link
Fixed an issue where shuffling combined with a subset for MnistDataSetIterator would not maintain the same subset between resets Link
Fixed issue with StackVertex.getOutputType Link
Fix issue with CNN to/from RNN preprocessors handling of mask arrays Link
Fixed issue with VGG16 non-pretrained configuration in model zoo Link
Fixed issue with TransferLearning nOutReplace where multiple layers in a row are modified Link
Fixed issue with CuDNN workspaces where backpropagation is performed outside of a standard fit call Link
Fixed an issue with dropout masks being cleared prematurely on output layers in ComputationGraph Link
RecordReaderMultiDataSetIterator now supports 5D arrays (for 3D CNNs) Link
Fixed bug in multi input/output ComputationGraphs with TBPTT combined with both masking and different number of input/output arrays Link
Improved input validation/exceptions for batch normalization layer Link
Fixed bug with TransferLearning GraphBuilder nOutReplace when combined with subsampling layers Link
SimpleRnnParamInitializer now properly respects bias initialization configuration Link
Fixed SqueezeNet zoo model non-pretrained configuration Link
Fixed Xception zoo model non-pretrained configuration Link
Fixed an issue with some evaluation signatures for multi-output ComputationGraphs Link
Improved MultiLayerNetwork/ComputationGraph summary method formatting for large nets Link
Fixed an issue where gradient normalization could result in NaNs if gradient is exactly 0.0 for all parameters in a layer Link
Fixed an issue where MultiLayerNetwork/ComputationGraph.setLearningRate could throw an exception for SGD and NoOp updaters Link
Fixed an issue with StackVertex plus masking in some rare cases Link
Fixed an issue with JSON deserialization of frozen layers in pre-1.0.0-alpha format Link
Fixed an issue where GraphBuilder.removeVertex can fail under some limited circumstances Link
Fixed a bug in CacheableExtractableDataSetFetcher Link
DL4J Spark training: Fixed issues with thread/device affinity for multi-GPU training + evaluation Link
DL4J Spark training: Made all Aeron threads daemon threads to prevent Aeron from stopping JVM shutdown when all other threads have completed Link
Added cudnnAllowFallback configuration for BatchNormalization layer (fallback to built-in implementation if CuDNN fails unexpectedly) Link
Fixed an issue with BatchNormalization layers that prevented the mean/variance estimates from being synced properly on each worker for GradientSharing training, causing convergence issues Link
Added a check to detect ZipSlip CVE attempts in ArchiveUtils Link
DL4J Spark training and evaluation: methods now use Hadoop Configuration from Spark context to ensure runtime-set configuration is available in Spark functions reading directly from remote storage (HDFS etc) Link
Added data validation for Nd4j.readTxt - now throws exception on invalid input instead of returning incorrect values Link
Fixed an issue with KNN implementation where a deadlock could occur if an invalid distance function (one returning "distances" less than 0) was utilized Link
Added synchronization to loading of Keras import models to avoid thread safety issues in the underlying HDFS library used for loading Link
Fixed rare issue for Async(Multi)DataSetIterator with large prefetch values Link
Deeplearning4J: API Changes (Transition Guide): 1.0.0-beta2 to 1.0.0-beta3
IEvaluation classes in DL4J have been deprecated and moved to ND4J so they are available for SameDiff training. Functionality and APIs are unchanged
have been deprecated and are no longer used. Use fit and pretrain/pretrainLayer methods instead. LinkParallelWrapper module now no longer has a Scala version suffix for artifact id; new artifact id is
which should be used instead Linkdeeplearning4j-nlp-korean module now has Scala version suffix due to scala dependencies; new artifact ID is
Deeplearning4J: Known issues: 1.0.0-beta3
Running multiple Spark training jobs simultaneously on the one physical node (i.e., multiple JVMs from one or more Spark jobs) may cause problems with network communication. A workaround for this is to manually set a unique stream ID manually in the VoidConfiguration. Use a unique (or random) integer value for different jobs Link
Deeplearning4J: Keras Import
Fixed import issue due to Keras JSON format changes for Keras 2.2.3+ Link
Added Keras import for timeseries preprocessing Link
Elephas Link
Fixed issue with importing models with reshaping after an embedding layer Link
Added support for Keras masking layers Link
Fixed JSON deserialization issue with some layers/preprocessors, such as Permute Link
Fixed issue with Keras import of Nadam configuration Link
ND4J: New Features
Added SameDiff training and evaluation: SameDiff instances can now be trained directly using DataSetIterator and MultiDataSetIterator, and evaluated using IEvaluation instances (that have been moved from ND4J to DL4J) Link
Added GraphServer implementation: c++ inference server for SameDiff (and Tensorflow, via TF import) with Java API Link
Added MKL-DNN support for some operations (Conv2d, etc) Link
Added Nd4j.where op method (same semantics as numpy.where) Link
Added Nd4j.stack op method (combine arrays + increase array rank by 1) Link
Libnd4j new ops:
Matrix band part Link
Scatter ND, ND-add, ND-sub and ND-update ops Link
Sparse softmax cross entropy loss with logits Link
Histogram fixed width op Link
broadcast_to op Link
deconv3d op added Link
Unsorted segment ops added Link
Segment_X backprop ops added Link
batchnorm_new op added that supports multiple axes for mean/variance Link
GRU cell backprop added Link
SameDiff loss functions: cleanup plus forward pass implementation Link
CudaGridExecutioner now warns that exception stack traces may be delayed to avoid confusion in debugging exceptions occuring during asynchronous execution of ops Link
JavaCPP and JavaCPP-presets have been upgraded to version 1.4.3 Link
Improved Javadoc on SDVariable class Link
ND4J: Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Fixes for android: Remove use of RawIndexer Link
Libnd4j native op fixes:
Backprop op fix for the broadcast case for some pairwise transform custom op implementations Link
Fix for reverse custom op with rank 1 inputs Link
ATan2 op is now broadcastable Link
Boolean custom op broadcast fixes/additions Link
Scatter op edge case fixes Link
Unique op fix Link
Pad op fix Link
Fixed where op shape function Link
SVD rank 1 edge case fix Link
Range op Link
Split and space_to_batch fixes Link
Broadcast dynamic shape Link
embedding_lookup op now supports multiple input arrays Link
Matrix determinant op edge case (rank 0 result) shape fix Link
SameDiff: Improved error handling for multiple outputs case Link
Fixed issue where INDArray.permute would not correctly throw an exception for invalid length case Link
Minor change to DataSet.merge - signature now accepts any DataSet subtypes Link
INDArray.transposei operation was not in-place Link
Fixed issues with INDArray.mmul with MMulTranspose Link
Added additional order validation for ND4J creation methods (create, rand, etc) Link
Fix for ND4J binary deserialization (BinarySerde) when deserializing from heap byte buffers Link
Fixed issue with Nd4j-common ClassPathResource path resolution in some IDEs Link
Fixed issue where INDArray.get(interval) on rank 1 array would return rank 2 array Link
INDArray.assign(INDArray) no longer allows assigning different shape arrays (other than scalar/vector cases) Link
NDarrayStrings (and INDArray.toString()) now always uses US locale when formatting numbers Link
Fixed an issue with GaussianDistribution specific to V100 GPUs Link
Fixed an issue with bitmap compression/encoding specific to V100 GPUs Link
Transforms.softmax now throws an error on unsupported shapes instead of simply not applying operation Link
VersionCheck functionality: handle case where SimpleFileVisitor is not available on earlier versions of Android Link
SameDiff convolution layer configuration (Conv2dConfig/Conv3dConfig/Pooling3dConfig etc) have had parameter names aligned Link
ND4J: API Changes (Transition Guide): 1.0.0-beta2 to 1.0.0-beta3
CUDA 8.0 support has been removed. CUDA 9.0, 9.2 and 10.0 support is available in 1.0.0-beta3
nd4j-base64 module contents have been deprecated; use the equivalent classes in nd4j-api from now on Link
Some classes in nd4j-jackson module has been deprecated; use the equivalent classes in nd4j-api from now on Link
ND4J: Known issues: 1.0.0-beta3
Android users may need to manually exclude the (now deprecated) module nd4j-base64. This is due to
class being present in both nd4j-api and nd4j-base64 modules. Both versions have identical content. Useexclude group: 'org.nd4j', module: 'nd4j-base64'
to exclude.
DataVec: New Features
Added NativeImageLoader method overloads for org.opencv.core.Mat and String as filename Link
DataVec: Optimizations and Bug Fixes
Fix for JDBCRecordReader handling of null values Link
Improved errors/validation for ObjectDetectionRecordReader for invalid input (where image object centers are outside of image bounds) Link
Fixed issue where FileSplit using methods that are unavailable on earlier versions of Android Link
Fixed issue with JDBCRecordReader's handling of real-valued column result types Link
Added validation and useful exception for CSVRecordReader/LineRecordReader being used without initialization Link
Arbiter: Fixes
Fixed some issues with dropout layers Link
Added conversion between org.nd4j.linalg.primitives.Pair/Triple and Scala Tuple Link
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