

INDArray and(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable and(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable and(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise AND operation. Supports broadcasting.

  • x (INT) - First input array

  • y (INT) - Second input array


INDArray bitRotl(INDArray x, INDArray shift)

SDVariable bitRotl(SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)
SDVariable bitRotl(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)

Roll integer bits to the left, i.e. var << 4 | var >> (32 - 4)

  • x (INT) - Input 1

  • shift (INT) - Number of bits to shift.


INDArray bitRotr(INDArray x, INDArray shift)

SDVariable bitRotr(SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)
SDVariable bitRotr(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)

Roll integer bits to the right, i.e. var >> 4 | var << (32 - 4)

  • x (INT) - Input 1

  • shift (INT) - Number of bits to shift.


INDArray bitShift(INDArray x, INDArray shift)

SDVariable bitShift(SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)
SDVariable bitShift(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)

Shift integer bits to the left, i.e. var << 4

  • x (INT) - Input 1

  • shift (INT) - Number of bits to shift.


INDArray bitShiftRight(INDArray x, INDArray shift)

SDVariable bitShiftRight(SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)
SDVariable bitShiftRight(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable shift)

Shift integer bits to the right, i.e. var >> 4

  • x (INT) - Input 1

  • shift (INT) - Number of bits to shift.


INDArray bitsHammingDistance(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable bitsHammingDistance(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable bitsHammingDistance(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise Hamming distance reduction over all elements of both input arrays. For example, if x=01100000 and y=1010000 then the bitwise Hamming distance is 2 (due to differences at positions 0 and 1)

  • x (INT) - First input array.

  • y (INT) - Second input array.


INDArray leftShift(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable leftShift(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable leftShift(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise left shift operation. Supports broadcasting.

  • x (INT) - Input to be bit shifted

  • y (INT) - Amount to shift elements of x array


INDArray leftShiftCyclic(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable leftShiftCyclic(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable leftShiftCyclic(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise left cyclical shift operation. Supports broadcasting.

Unlike #leftShift(INDArray, INDArray) the bits will "wrap around":

leftShiftCyclic(01110000, 2) -> 11000001

  • x (INT) - Input to be bit shifted

  • y (INT) - Amount to shift elements of x array


INDArray or(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable or(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable or(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise OR operation. Supports broadcasting.

  • x (INT) - First input array

  • y (INT) - First input array


INDArray rightShift(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable rightShift(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable rightShift(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise right shift operation. Supports broadcasting.

  • x (INT) - Input to be bit shifted

  • y (INT) - Amount to shift elements of x array


INDArray rightShiftCyclic(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable rightShiftCyclic(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable rightShiftCyclic(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise right cyclical shift operation. Supports broadcasting.

Unlike rightShift(INDArray, INDArray) the bits will "wrap around":

rightShiftCyclic(00001110, 2) -> 10000011

  • x (INT) - Input to be bit shifted

  • y (INT) - Amount to shift elements of x array


INDArray xor(INDArray x, INDArray y)

SDVariable xor(SDVariable x, SDVariable y)
SDVariable xor(String name, SDVariable x, SDVariable y)

Bitwise XOR operation (exclusive OR). Supports broadcasting.

  • x (INT) - First input array

  • y (INT) - First input array

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