UI overhaul: new training UI has considerably more information, supports persistence (saving info and loading later), Japanese/Korean/Russian support. Replaced Dropwizard with Play framework. Link
Import of models configured and trained using Keras
Imports both Keras model configurations and stored weights
Supported models: Sequential models
Supported layers: Dense, Dropout, Activation, Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, LSTM
Added ‘Same’ padding more for CNNs (ConvolutionMode network configuration option) Link
Weighted loss functions: Loss functions now support a per-output weight array (row vector)
ROC and AUC added for binary classifiers Link
Improved error messages on invalid configuration or data; improved validation on both
Added metadata functionality: track source of data (file, line number, etc) from data import to evaluation. Loading a subset of examples/data from this metadata is now supported. Link
Removed Jackson as core dependency (shaded); users can now use any version of Jackson without issue
Added LossLayer: version of OutputLayer that only applies loss function (unlike OutputLayer: it has no weights/biases)
Functionality required to build triplet embedding model (L2 vertex, LossLayer, Stack/Unstack vertices etc)
Reduced DL4J and ND4J ‘cold start’ initialization/start-up time
Pretrain default changed to false and backprop default changed to true. No longer needed to set these when setting up a network configuration unless defaults need to be changed.
Added TrainingListener interface (extends IterationListener). Provides access to more information/state as network training occurs Link
Numerous bug fixes across DL4J and ND4J
Performance improvements for nd4j-native & nd4j-cuda backends
Standalone Word2Vec/ParagraphVectors overhaul:
Performance improvements
ParaVec inference available for both PV-DM & PV-DBOW
Parallel tokenization support was added, to address computation-heavy tokenizers.
Native RNG introduced for better reproducibility within multi-threaded execution environment.
Additional RNG calls added: Nd4j.choice(), and BernoulliDistribution op.
Off-gpu storage introduced, to keep large things, like Word2Vec model in host memory. Available via WordVectorSerializer.loadStaticModel()
Two new options for performance tuning on nd4j-native backend: setTADThreshold(int) & setElementThreshold(int)
0.6.0 -> 0.7.0 Transition Notes
Notable changes for upgrading codebases based on 0.6.0 to 0.7.0:
UI: new UI package name is deeplearning4j-ui_2.10 or deeplearning4j-ui_2.11 (previously: deeplearning4j-ui). Scala version suffix is necessary due to Play framework (written in Scala) being used now.
Histogram and Flow iteration listeners deprecated. They are still functional, but using new UI is recommended Link
DataVec ImageRecordReader: labels are now sorted alphabetically by default before assigning an integer class index to each - previously (0.6.0 and earlier) they were according to file iteration order. Use .setLabels(List) to manually specify the order if required.
CNNs: configuration validation is now less strict. With new ConvolutionMode option, 0.6.0 was equivalent to ‘Strict’ mode, but new default is ‘Truncate’
See ConvolutionMode javadoc for more details: Link
Xavier weight initialization change for CNNs and LSTMs: Xavier now aligns better with original Glorot paper and other libraries. Xavier weight init. equivalent to 0.6.0 is available as XAVIER_LEGACY
DataVec: Custom RecordReader and SequenceRecordReader classes require additional methods, for the new metadata functionality. Refer to existing record reader implementations for how to implement these methods.
Few new builder methods:
Behaviour change: batchSize: now batch size is ALSO used as threshold to execute number of computational batches for sg/cbow
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